Our Mission
To prevent, detect and deter the use of drugs and banned doping practices by delivering education and testing services to the Bermuda Sporting Community
A well educated drug free sporting community that inspires disciplined, honest and committed athletes.
Our Values
Realise our Potential
We will adopt a professional approach to all business for and on behalf of BSADA. We will benchmark off and apply best practice standards to all our business.
We will be fully accountable to our funding bodies. We will conduct our activities in accordance with the principle of transparency and accountability
Respect for Individuals
We will respect the diversity of all persons with whom we come into contact. We will uphold the confidentiality of individuals throughout each activity and process.
Ethical Attitude
We will conduct our activities in accordance with the highest standards of ethical behaviour.
Contact information:
Mailing Info: P.O. Box HM 1841, Hamilton, Bermuda HM HX
Telephone: 441-232-6851
HotLine: 441-232-7232
General Email: info@bsada.org